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Skyloom Sacred Dance

SKYLOOM brings sacred dance to religious worship.  We are reclaiming the tradition of dance which has been part of every religion.  SKYLOOM is an interfaith and inter-generational dance group from the Greater Boston Area whose members help others enjoy dance and music in different contexts.  The dancers weave their own choreographies drawing on Biblical mystical traditions, Native American spirituality, sacred circle dances, Shaker dances, and social concerns from around the world.  The SKYLOOM sacred dance group was formed at Hancock in 1981 to encourage dance in worship services and religious education.  The group has led workshops and shared their dances throughout New England and nationally. SKYLOOM participates annually in the International Sacred Dance Guild Festivals.  SKYLOOM welcomes people of all ages and faiths.  The group takes its name from a prayer of the Tewa Pueblo people, The Song of the Skyloom.  They rehearse on Mondays at 1:30 in the Kathie Stuart Room.  For more information contact  You can also visit the SKYLOOM website!