If you’ve joined us for at least one Sunday morning, you’ve experienced the beauty of our Sunday Flower Ministry! These bouquets often adorn the altar under the large cross, and one or two pedestals next to the stairs. While we don’t draw much attention to them by name, these bouquets add subtle touches of beauty to our welcoming atmosphere.
These beautiful flowers do not come from the operating budget of the church; they are generously given by members and friends of the Hancock community in memory or honor of a loved one. Heartfelt dedications are printed every Sunday at the end of the worship bulletin.
We’re always looking for donations throughout the year! If you’d like to register your interest to donate flowers, please use the form below and a member of the Deacons will be in touch. Thank you for blessing our sanctuary and worship service! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the church office.
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