Get Involved

October 19, 2024

This garden grows vegetables and donates the produce to the Lexington Food Pantry. Work along ...

This garden grows vegetables and donates the produce to the Lexington Food Pantry. Work along with other like-minded folks who also want to do something to help neighbors in need. No experience needed! Sign up for this or other dates: What if you want to volunteer, but the Hancock dates do not work? There are many other shifts where general volunteers are needed. Contact Amy Swanson ( with any questions or info on other opportunities to help.
November 16, 2024

Join us for a night with Katie Dahl.

Join us for a night with Katie Dahl.
March 1, 2025

Join us for an evening with Peter Mulvey!

May 3, 2025

Join us for an evening with The Cadleys!

Covenant of Welcome

We welcome all who seek to know God. We believe that, although we are many members, we are one body in Christ. We have been called as well as challenged by God to respect and reconcile our differences. We recognize and love each individual as a child of God. We welcome, respect, support, and lovingly encourage people of every race, ethnicity, creed, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, and physical and mental ability to join us on our journey of faith.

This faith journey indeed calls Hancock Members not to be silent in the face of prejudice, injustice, and exclusion, but to express our faith, in word and deed, for justice and inclusiveness for all humanity. As Paul wrote to the Galatians, “In Christ there is no longer Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for all are one…”

Most importantly, our Covenant of Welcome makes clear that all are welcome, just as they are. You don’t have to change who you are or what you believe in order to join us, but you should expect that what you experience in our community will transform you.

God can work through you just as easily as through any one of us, and so community is at the heart of all we are and do. Welcome to Hancock Church on the Battle Green in Lexington Center! To learn more about Hancock, please read our Get To Know Us page.

Our Vision

Inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus, we are changing the world through love, compassion, and courage.

Our Mission

In the revolutionary spirit of our Christian faith, we invite you to join us as we:

At Hancock Church, we amplify the voice of progressive faith as we speak to contemporary issues. We read scripture seriously but not literally. Through God’s love, we are transformed. Thus encouraged, we train leaders to carry this work into the world.

Wherever you are in your faith journey, you are welcome here.

Our Highlights

We work, play, worship, stand up, speak out, laugh and rejoice with each other.

Sunday Worship

10:00 A.M.

Hancock United Church of Christ