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Our Covid Response

Worship at Hancock and Our Covid Response

We are so grateful to be able to worship indoors in our beautiful sanctuary again! Having gone from having to worship virtually only, to outdoor worship and a recorded broadcast worship, to now meeting masked and indoors with a recorded broadcast, worshiping indoors feels like a huge step. We want to make sure everyone knows what to expect when they walk through our doors. The following protocol is a combination of our own Covid Covenant, CDC recommendations for indoor gatherings, and the recent Mask Mandate for Houses of Worship in Lexington, MA.


We will continue to broadcast morning worship live via LexMedia and Youtube, Sundays at 10:00am. Should you have any questions or concerns about morning worship, please contact



Hancock Covid Covenant


In deciding whether to attend indoor worship, we all must make our own best decision while keeping in mind that our choices impact others. Since levels of risk tolerance can be very different, even among friends, we pledge to support each other and not take it personally, pass judgment upon, or question the reasoning of another Hancock member who chooses not to participate in person.


In order to cherish one another when utilizing the facilities and grounds of Hancock Church, I will not knowingly put others at risk by agreeing…


  1. I will always wear a face mask.
  2. I will maintain appropriate social distancing (at least 6 feet).
  3. I will wash my hands/use hand sanitizer often.
  4. I will stay home if I am not feeling well, or know I have been exposed to COVD-19 within the past 14 days.
  5. I will contact the church immediately if I, or someone in my household tests positive or becomes presumptive positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of being present at our building.

What Does In-Person Morning Worship Look Like Now?


Masks must be worn at all times in the church building. Should you forget a mask, we will have masks and hand sanitizer for you at the church. After worship, we may sometimes offer beverages outdoors, where people can choose to wear a mask or not.


Inside the sanctuary, we have alternating rows of pews taped off to assist with recommended distancing. Printed copies of the bulletin will be handed out by our ushers as usual and available to take in the narthex.


We know that music is an important part of worship. Because of safety restrictions at this time, we ask that you refrain from singing along. If you’d like, we invite you to hum along with hymns instead. Our worship leadership (singers and ministers) will be wearing masks at all times or following the guidelines of the August 18 Mask Mandate (pdf).


During our offertory, we will collect offerings in brass plates as usual. If you would be more comfortable, there is also a safe place for your donation after the service. We encourage you to utilize whichever option is most comfortable to you. We can also accept morning offerings via mail, online, or through text.


At the end of worship, we will invite everyone to pass the peace. There are many ways to pass the peace of Christ, and we ask that everyone be mindful and respectful of varying boundaries and needs for Covid safety. A wave or an air hug are always safe and welcome options.


We are still able to offer communion on specified Sundays, but we now use individual peel packs. Each peel pack comes with a mini-cup of grape juice and a wafer. They can be picked up with your bulletin as you enter the sanctuary, and we will take communion together during the service once a month.