The Cooperative Master of Divinity Degree Program of Hancock Church and Andover Newton at Yale
Continuously since 1970, Hancock Church has welcomed promising student ministers to learn the art of ministry here. Through our Hancock Fellowship at Andover Newton at Yale, we support the theological education of some of the finest clergy in the United Church of Christ. More than 100 of our former students now serve UCC churches around the country.
This utterly unique program of theological education allows two Andover Newton at Yale students to serve as ministers at Hancock Church for two-four years, learning as they minister, and ministering as they learn.
Our Minister for Children and Families and Minister for Children and Families serve nearly full-time at Hancock Church, working with our children and their parents, from Church School to high school graduation and beyond. They plan and lead programs, develop goals and establish priorities, and function as full members of our Hancock Ministry team. They work closely with Senior Minister Barbara Callaghan, and are supervised in turn. Our Teaching Parish Committee provides vital support for our students, and the entire congregation delights in preparing future leaders for the church of the 21st century. In addition, they earn academic credit toward their Master of Divinity degree with Andover Newton at Yale for the work that they are doing and reflecting upon as ministers in the church.
Benefits abound:
- Students gain nearly 1000 hours annually of supervised ministry experience: teaching, preaching, engaging in pastoral care, working with children and youth on projects of service and outreach. They are paid a living wage while still in school, and can apply in their ministry tasks today what they learned in the classroom yesterday. They graduate with two-four years of ministry experience before their first call to a congregation.
- Hancock Church and our families benefit from the dedicated and enthusiastic service of some of the brightest students preparing for ministry today. As a Teaching Congregation of nearly 50 years, we know the power and the joy of working today with the leaders of tomorrow.
- Andover Newton at Yale enjoys working with Hancock Church as a learning laboratory for its students and faculty, and continues its unique and historic role as a pioneer in contextual education.
Our current Cooperative Master of Divinity Students are David C. Clark and Genna Beatty. Applicants desiring to begin in the fall of 2019 should contact Sarah Drummond Visiting Professor of Ministerial Leadership and Assistant Dean, Yale Divinity School or Barbara Callaghan, Senior Minister of Hancock Church.