At Hancock Church, we believe our members and ministers partner together to lead our church into the future: Our ministers provide important theological frameworks for the work of our members in areas such as finance and faith formation, among many other ministries. This work is primarily done through teams. No one is required to serve on a team, but choosing to do so can be a rewarding way to serve our community and lead our church. Every January, our Nominating Team begins the work of finding church members to serve on our teams.
The Standing Committee of Hancock is the overall leadership team for the church. It acts as an executive committee led by the Moderator (chairperson) and ministers. The committee is comprised of the officers of the church, the chairpersons of the key church committees and teams, and 5 members at large representing the congregation. The Standing Committee is charged with
- assuring the day to day operations of the church are in line with the values and expectations of the congregation
- making decisions on behalf of the congregation as needed
- and calling meetings of the entire congregation for approval of items affecting our future such as our Vision, Mission and Values statement or becoming an Immigrant Welcoming Congregation