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Hancock Covid Covenant

Hancock Covid Covenant


In deciding whether to attend indoor worship, we all must make our own best decision while keeping in mind that our choices impact others. Since levels of risk tolerance can be very different, even among friends, we pledge to support each other and not take it personally, pass judgment upon, or question the reasoning of another Hancock member who chooses not to participate in person.


In order to cherish one another when utilizing the facilities and grounds of Hancock Church, I will not knowingly put others at risk by agreeing…


  1. I will always wear a face mask.
  2. I will maintain appropriate social distancing (at least 6 feet).
  3. I will wash my hands/use hand sanitizer often.
  4. I will stay home if I am not feeling well, or know I have been exposed to COVD-19 within the past 14 days.
  5. I will contact the church immediately if I, or someone in my household tests positive or becomes presumptive positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of being present at our building.