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What Does In-Person Morning Worship Look Like Now?

What Does In-Person Morning Worship Look Like Now?


(Updated 8/19/2021) Masks must be worn at all times in the church building. Should you forget a mask, we will have masks and hand sanitizer for you at the church. After worship, we may sometimes offer beverages outdoors, where people can choose to wear a mask or not.


Inside the sanctuary, we have alternating rows of pews taped off to assist with recommended distancing. Printed copies of the bulletin will be handed out by our ushers as usual and available to take in the narthex.


We know that music is an important part of worship. Because of safety restrictions at this time, we ask that you refrain from singing along. If you’d like, we invite you to hum along with hymns instead. Our worship leadership (singers and ministers) will be wearing masks at all times …