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Our Whole Lives (OWL) 2023

Hancock Church is running Our Whole Lives sexuality education for Grades 7 – 9!

Thursdays 6:00 – 7:30pm

January 26 – June 8

Saturday retreats on March 18 and April 28

Hancock Church will be running Our Whole Lives sexuality education for grades 7-9 this semester Thursday evenings, and now is the time to sign your kids up! The class will be led by Hancock’s student minister for Children and Families, Katie Elliott, and Hancock’s student minister for Youth and Young Adults, Abby Wester.

The program will run Thursday nights, 6:00-7:30pm from January 26-June 8. There will be two Saturday mini-retreats during the semester on March 18 and April 29. Both of these mini-retreats will run 10:00am-3:00pm and lunch will be provided for the kids.

We will be holding a parent orientation Thursday, January 19 from 6:00-7:30pm. This will be a meeting just for parents and guardians where Katie and Abby will introduce the curriculum to you and answer any questions you have about the program.

The cost for the class will be $75 for Hancock members and $150 for Non-members. Scholarship funds are available for anyone who needs them.

For more information and to sign up, reach out to Katie at or Abby at